Mitch Green

My name is Mitch Green and I’m running for Portland City Council in District 4.

I’m running for City Council because I love Portland. I was raised here and carried this city’s values with me across the world, over decades of public service. No matter where life took me, Portland kept calling me home.

I am an Army veteran, energy economist, community college professor, and union member who grew up in a union family. I’ve committed my life to public service and to solving complex problems like the ones Portland currently faces.

What I remember most about growing up in Portland is that this is a city of fighters. Folks who pour their blood, sweat, and tears into building the city they deserve: a city that works for all of us and leads the way in developing novel, compassionate, and effective solutions to difficult problems. I’m here for the long haul and I’m proud to stand and fight alongside you.

I’m running for City Council because I feel called to carry forward this fighting tradition in City Hall. My experiences have prepared me to be a hard-working, dedicated, and optimistic public servant for District 4 and all of Portland.

The best version of Portland is still waiting to be built, and we will build it together.